How To Find a Manufacturer in China

Manufacturer in China

As the world’s top manufacturer, China accounts for 28% of worldwide manufacturing. Some of the world’s most high-class brands turn to China to ramp up production. In spite of this, customers often complain about the quality of products not made in their home countries. Consequently, the question you should ask isn’t so much how to find a manufacturer in China as much as it is how to find a good one.

1. Research How To Find a Manufacturer in China

Because manufacturing plays a crucial role in the Chinese economy, you will be spoiled for choice. Begin your research with the most highly recommended options. Here are some good starting points:

Trade associations related to your industry

International trade shows in China and the U.S.

Recommendations from business contacts

Online directories for overseas manufacturers, such as Alibaba

2. Narrow Down Your Options

When you first begin your research, you may feel overwhelmed by all the available options. Look into these four points to create your shortlist:

References: Check online to see what other companies have said about working with the manufacturer. Try to find out what they produce and look up the products to see what customers have to say about them in the reviews.

Industry: Some manufacturers have the ability to produce items for virtually any industry, but your best bet is to find one with experience in your area. While doing so, consider whether you feel comfortable potentially sharing a manufacturer with a competitor.

Export Demographics: Companies that primarily work with American and other Western countries generally have higher quality standards. They are also more accustomed to working with Americans.

Paperwork: Not all manufacturing companies are reputable. Good ones will not hesitate to show you related certifications and licenses. They are also usually eager to show proof of their quality control system and welcome your requests to tour facilities.

3. Consider Visiting China

If you love to travel, any reason for a trip is a good one. Visiting China to source suppliers isn’t necessary, but it is recommended. Forbes proposes attending the Canton Fair. It is a trade expo that is more than a century old. While it isn’t specifically set up for connecting companies with custom manufacturers, it doesn’t hurt to ask. It’s also a good idea to tour potential manufacturing plants while present.

4. Request Samples

Any manufacturer hoping to secure your business should be ready to present you with sample pieces. This does not necessarily mean the supplier will manufacture an entire finished product. However, you could ask for a specific part of the overall product. Bring the part to your existing factory and have it reviewed to determine whether it meets or exceeds quality standards.

We Know How To Find a Manufacturer in China

When trying to figure out how to find a manufacturer in China, the good news is that there are many who can meet and exceed your quality expectations. At China 2 West, we help our clients move manufacturing to China. We have an IP-protective assembly factory, which helps to make the process painless for our clients. Contact us to get a quote or request a tour of our facilities.