A Complete Guide on How to Source Products for Amazon FBA

A Complete Guide on How to Source Products for Amazon FBA

Product sourcing can provide you with a quicker and easier way to sell, to help you achieve your target sales in the market. There are different ways to do that, including custom manufacturing, drop shipping, wholesale, and print-on-demand. These days, you can also consider product sourcing for Amazon FBA.

What is it and how does it work?

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) means you will have to send your inventory to Amazon and it will be stored in their warehouses. When a customer purchases something off your inventory, Amazon handles the packing and shipping. Likewise, returns and refunds are handled by them. By using Amazon FBA, your business is assured of quality logistics that takes the guesswork out of marketing and sourcing your products. After all, not all businesses may be able to make their own products, so they may source through wholesalers and other means, such as an outside manufacturer or a drop shipping company.

How to choose products

Product sourcing for Amazon FBA should be done carefully, so you can be sure that it will sell. Here are a few tips to help you determine the best products for your business:

  • Make sure it will result in optimum profit margin – The products you source for Amazon FBA should provide sufficient profit margin, which can be used for your business or personal income.
  • Determine the ease or difficulty of creating and selling that product – Custom products may be sourced from third-party suppliers, wholesalers, print-on-demand services, and drop shipping companies.
  • Keep track of your budget – Amazon FBA shipping fees will depend on the weight and size of your product. They might cost more than other methods for shipping, so ensure that you have enough budget for them.
  • Think of your competition – Find out the practices that other businesses are following for product sourcing for Amazon FBA.
  • Be careful with seasonal products – When releasing new products, make sure it is done on a timely manner. For instance, if you are selling clothes, you may not want to start selling summer clothing in fall or winter.
  • Understand your product and its demand – Don’t just source products because they are popular or in-demand. Be genuinely interested in your niche to make your business more profitable and successful in the long run.

Other things to consider

In product sourcing for Amazon FBA, you should also consider the trends, category and keyword search, and trying different ways to market and explain a particular product. You might also want to buy small quantities to determine if it is a good product for your company to sell and if your target market will like it.

Find the products you need

Get help from a trustworthy supplier and product sourcing solutions provider. They can help with product sourcing for Amazon FBA, especially if you are planning to source products from a specific country, like China. They will oversee your orders and guarantee that you avoid low-quality goods, delayed deliveries, and poor communication with the supplier. That way, they can be your trustworthy partner in ensuring that you are working only with established suppliers who can meet your requirements.