5 Things to Consider Before Starting Your Business as a Wholesale Distributor

5 Things to Consider Before Starting Your Business as a Wholesale Distributor

Distributors are not merely entities that move products from the manufacturer to the market. Some sell directly to the end users or consumers, while others are merchant wholesale distributors who purchase products from a manufacturer or another source, before moving them from their warehouse to the companies looking to resell products or use them. So, if you are looking to start this kind of business, you might want to choose the right China wholesale distributors to ensure a smoother process!

If you are just starting out as a wholesale distributor, you might want to consider these things that will help you become more efficient in your work. Remember that wholesale distribution is a service business where you will be working with business customers, so you need to be able to understand what those customers need and determine how to serve them properly.

1. Do you have the skills for it?

Wholesale distribution is a game of buying and selling that requires you to have sharp salesmanship and good negotiation skills. Beyond that, you need to be able to find the next hot product in your industry or category. The goal is to get that product at a low price, then make a profit when you sell it at a price that is still sufficiently low that it’s still seen by your customer as an attractive deal.

Experts say that success in wholesale distribution requires a varied job background. A sales background is essential; as it gives you the people skills you need to find and negotiate with China wholesale distributors, for instance. You also need the skills to be able to operate efficiently and turn your inventory quickly to make money.

2. Beware of consolidation

The industry is rampant with consolidation, as some sectors (i.e., pharmaceutical wholesaling) are able to contract much faster than others. To combat that trend, independent distributors are looking into the specialty market where they pick up what national companies have left. Distribution changed from local to regional, and then to a national business, and as a result, national companies do not want or cannot cost effectively serve specific types of customers, like small businesses!

3. Getting started

Before you start looking for China wholesale distributors, you will have to consider starting from scratch, purchase an existing business, or dive into a business opportunity. There are some risks associated with each means to start a wholesale distribution business. Just do your research to determine which is likely to work best for your needs.

That said, keep in mind that a typical wholesale distributor is likely to start being profitable in a span of 2-5 years. However, your business might be an exception and start making money sooner, especially if you are able to specialize in a one-of-a-kind niche.

4. Get help

It is easy to become overwhelmed with the things you need to research and consider when starting a business as a wholesale distributor. In that case, you might want to get assistance from a manufacturing and sourcing specialist in China. They may be able to recommend credible China wholesale distributors, too.

5. Find a way to move the goods efficiently

You may need to work with a third-party logistics (3PL) partner to make sure that your goods can move seamlessly. The right service provider can have a positive impact on your customer service and in reducing your overall logistics costs.