China’s Quality Control Industry Statistics

Quality control is defined as the process by which entities review the quality of all factors involved in the production of manufacturing goods, as defined by Wikipedia. ISO 9000 defines quality control as “A part of quality management focused on fulfilling quality requirements. In recent years, quality has emerged as a formal management function, with the quality concepts and practices evolving from a reactive and inspection-oriented approach to a more proactive and strategy-oriented approach for quality management.Firms tend to develop their own quality management systems based on many factors,including their business strategies, external requirements, and internal operating environments. It is no surprise that quality practices vary greatly from one firm to another even within the same industry.

When the many marvelous achievements of ancient China are considered, ranging from architecture, literature, and innovative products, to scientific instruments, it is evident that, throughout the nation’s long history and civilization, high quality has been important. Since the late ‘70, the China’s Government has been pressing ahead quality management. By introducing regulations and policies, the producers are constrained to consider their product quality. Due to the government pressures, the implementation rate of modern quality management or TQM,especially in state-owned enterprises, in China is surprisingly high. The survey Yu, Cochran and Spencer 1998 stated that 96% of the state-owned enterprises claimed that they had implemented TQM. Still, the great competition arising from market economy means the managers take TQM in their enterprises rather voluntarily. In general, the senior management’s commitment in advancing quality is high. The quality of the products however is still undesirable. Quality is a concept that needs process and time to be implemented. Implementing regulations and rules for managers is a good start, but to be really successful, China has to introduce the concept to the young generations already. Education is a key factor. If China’s implementing the quality concept in their education now, it may soon be able to catch up with Japan as country standing for quality products in the not too far future.